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Iconmaker For Android phone

แ€’ီေแ€€ာแ€„္ေแ€œးแ€€ေแ€’ါ့ Phone แ€‘ဲแ€€ orignal icon ေแ€ြแ€€ုိแ€žုံးေแ€”แ€›แ€ာ แ€›ုိးแ€กိေแ€”แ€žူแ€™်ား แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€€ုိแ€œုိแ€›ာ แ€…ိแ€္แพแ€€ဳိแ€€္ แ€•ုံแ€†แ€”္แ€กแ€™်ဳိးแ‚ ေျแ€•ာแ€„္းေแ€•းแ€”ိแ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္ app


 ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€›แ€”္ <><> แ€’ီแ€™ွာ


Moto G root and CWM recovery install

Motorola Mote g GSM.แ€€ိုု unlocked bootloader ႏွแ€„္แ‚• super user root แ€œုုแ€•္แ€”แ€Š္းေแ€œးแ€•ါ

bootloader Unlock แ€œုုแ€•္แ€”แ€Š္းแ€€ိုုแ€’ီေแ€”แ€›ာแ€™ွာျแ€•แ€‘ားแ€ဲแ‚•แ€กแ€ိုုแ€„္းแ€œုုแ€•္แ€žြားแ€•ါ.. here


Motorola Driver >>> here

Link to CWM recovery.img >>> here

Super SU >>>> here

zawgyi Font is >>> here

Unlocked Bootloader warning ေแ€–်ာแ€€္แ€”แ€Š္း

firmware 4.4.2 แ€™ွแ€…แ€™္းแ€žแ€•္ျแ€•ီးแ€•ါျแ€•ီ..แ€กแ€†แ€„္ေျแ€•แ€•ါแ€แ€š္..


1)Unlock your bootloader

2)Reboot into Bootloader

3)Flash Logo Fix

4)Flash TWRP or CWM

5)Reboot into Recovery

6)Flash ""


8)Install MM Aio font zawgyi



Motorola Device Manager (Drivers)

You’ll need Motorola Device Manager to use a USB cable to connect your Motorola phone or tablet to your computer. Then you can drag and drop files between your device and computer. For some Android products, you can even use it to update your device’s software.

System Requirements:

Windows®                                                            Mac OS X®

Windows XP®(SP3 or greater)                            Mac OS® 10.5.8 Leopard
Windows Vista®                                                  Mac OS® 10.6 Snow Leopard
Windows 7®                                                        Mac OS® 10.7 Lion
Windows 8®                                                        Mac OS® 10.8 Mountain Lion


Source From >>>>> Here


Mac แ€›ဲแ‚•Screensaver แ€€ိုု IOS 7 Lock Screen แ€…แ€ိုုแ€„္ေျแ€•ာแ€„္းแ€™แ€š္

If you’re a fan of iOS 7’s new design language, and want to bring some of it to the Mac, then you might want to have a look at BodySoulSpirit, a Mac screensaver that brings the iOS 7 lock screen to OS X.

Here’s how you install it:

Download the BodySoulSpirit DMG from the download link on this page, and open it once the download is over

Click on the “Install iOS 7” file.

After clicking, the installer should soon tell you that the installation has finished.

Now open the System Preferences app and navigate to “Desktop and Screen Saver” > Screen Saver

Scroll to the iOS 7 lock screen wallpaper and select it

You have an option of changing certain screen saver specific settings in the right section, including the unlock text, wallpaper and more.

You can click on Preview to see how the screen saver looks like, and choose to start the screensaver from a “Hot Corner”

If you’ve set a hot corner, the wallpaper will trigger whenever you bring you mouse to the specified corner, or it’ll trigger if there’s no activity for 20 minutes (a duration you can configure)

Once the screensaver is active, you can press any key and you’ll be asked to enter your password


Mobile odin pro

Pc แ€”ဲแ‚” notebook แ€™แ€›ွိแ€žူแ€™်ား ph 1แ€ုแ€‘แ€Š္း แ€กားျแ€•ဳแฟแ€•ီး แ€žုံးေแ€”แ€’ဲ့แ€žူ

แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ေแ€’ါ့ แ€™แ€›ွိแ€™ျแ€–แ€…္ေแ€†ာแ€„္แ€‘ား

แ€žแ€„့္แ€’ဲ့ แ€™ုိแ€–ုိแ€„္း odin ေแ€œးแ€•ါ play

Store แ€™ွာแ€•ုိแ€€္2ေแ€•းแฟแ€•ီး แ€แ€š္แ€žုံးแ€›

แ€’ါแ€†ုိေแ€’ါ့ แ€žူแ€œแ€Š္း แ€™ေแ€แ€˜ူးေแ€”ာ္

แ€กแ€žုံးျแ€•ဳแ€်แ€„္แ€žူแ€™်ား แ€กแ€ြแ€€္....


Tample run2 versionแ€กแ€žแ€…္ေแ€œး

ေျแ€•း2แ€œြား2 แ€€แ€…ားแ€်แ€„္แ€žူแ€™်ား Tample run2 update 

versionแ€กแ€žแ€…္ေแ€œးแ€‘ြแ€€္แ€œာျแ€•แ€”္แฟแ€•ီ แ€…ိแ€”္แ€’ုိแ‚” แ€˜ာေแ€ြแ€Šာေแ€ြแ€ုိးแฟแ€•ီး


ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€šူแ€•ါ<<>> แ€’ီแ€™ွာ


Android game Traffic racer

User แ€™်ားแ€žိแพแ€€แ€™ွာแ€•ါ แ€œူแพแ€€ဳိแ€€္​แ€™်ားေแ€”แ€’ဲ့ แ€‚ိแ€™္​းแ€•ါแ€•ဲ hack แฟแ€•ီးแ€žား แ€•ါ Mod apk ​ေแ€†ာ့แ€်แ€„္​แ€›แ€„္​ေแ€กာแ€€္แ€€แ€œแ€„္แ€™ွေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€œိုုแ€€္แ€•ါ....

​ေแ€’ါแ€„္​แ€›แ€”္​ <<<<>>>

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