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Windows Vista - 7 - 8 - 8.1 KMS Activator Ultimate 2014 v2.0

Windows KMS Activator Ultimate 2014 is the most Simple & user-Friendly activator for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

- It is Safe activator with no harm to System Files

- Period of activation is 180 days and you can renew it

- You can remove any previous activations

- You can know informations about your activation, your windows serial and the rest days of activation.

It Activates :

- Windows 8.1 Professional

- Windows 8.1 Professional Wmc

- Windows 8.1 Professional_N

- Windows 8.1 Enterprise

- Windows 8.1 Enterprise_N

- Windows 8.1 ProfessionalPreview

- Windows 8.1 Preview

- Windows 8.1 CoreARM

- Windows 8.1 Core

- Windows 8.1 CoreN

- Windows 8.1 CoreSingleLanguage

- Windows 8.1 CoreCountrySpecific

- Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustry

- Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryE

- Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryA

- Windows 8 Professional

- Windows 8 Professional N

- Windows 8 Enterprise

- Windows 8 Enterprise N

- Windows 8 ProfessionalPreview

- Windows 8 PreRelease

- Windows 8 ProfessionalWMC

- Windows 8 CoreARM

- Windows 8 Core

- Windows 8 CoreN

- Windows 8 CoreSingleLanguage

- Windows 8 CoreCountrySpecific

- Windows 8 EmbeddedProfessional

- Windows 8 EmbeddedEnterprise

- Windows 7 Professional

- Windows 7 Professional N

- Windows 7 Professional E

- Windows 7 Enterprise

- Windows 7 Enterprise N

- Windows 7 Enterprise E

- Windows Vista Business

- Windows Vista Business N

- Windows Vista Enterprise

- Windows Vista Enterprise N

- Windows 12 Server Standard

- Windows 12 Server Datacenter

- Windows 12 Server Standard Core

- Windows 12 Server Datacenter Core

- Windows 12 Server Core

- Windows 12 Server CoreN

- Windows 12 Server Multi Point Standard

- Windows 12 Server Multi Point Premium

- Windows 12 R2 Server Standard

- Windows 12 R2 Server Datacenter

- Windows 12 R2 Server Standard Core

- Windows 12 R2 Server Datacenter Core

- Windows 12 R2 Server Cloud Storage Core

- Windows 12 R2 Server Cloud Storage

- Windows 12 R2 Server Solution Core

- Windows 12 R2 Server Solution

- Windows 8 Server Standard

- Windows 8 Server Enterprise

- Windows 8 Server Data Center

- Windows 8 Server HPC

- Windows 8 R2 Server Standard

- Windows 8 R2 Server Enterprise

- Windows 8 R2 Server Data Center

- Windows 8 R2 Server HPC

- Windows 8 R2 Server Web

KMS Activator Ultimate 2014 v2.0 (Released: May, 2014)

-Add Activation Backup.

-Add Disable SmartScreen for work.

-Update KMS server online every day.

-Fixed bugs.


- Net Framework 2.0

- Internet Connection (To Update KMS online server for work)

- Windows

Install notes:

Scan on Virustotal - result: 0 / 52

Link from the scan:

- Install the Application first.

After Install.

- Run The Application "As Administrator" to Get it to Work.

- Click on "Clean Activation History".

- Click on "Update Server" to Update KMS Server.

- Select Your Windows.

- Click on "Activation Now".

- Done, Enjoy.


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***Supersu 2.00***

Android phone แ€”ဲแ‚” Tablet แ€€ုိแ€„္ေแ€†ာแ€„္แ€žူแ€™်ားแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ ေแ€”ာแ€€္แ€†ုံးแ€‘ြแ€€္ ျแ€™แ€”္แ€™ာแ€˜ာแ€žာ แ€•ါแ€แ€„္แ€ဲ့ Super su แ€€ုိแ€แ€„္ေแ€•းแ€œုိแ€€္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္..Root ေแ€–ာแ€€္แ€‘ားแ€žူแ€ုိแ€„္း super su แ€€ုိupdate แ€œုแ€•္แ€‘ားแ€žแ€„့္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။แ€กแ€ုေแ€”ာแ€€္แ€•ုိแ€„္းေแ€™ာ္แ€’แ€š္ျแ€™แ€„့္แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€™်ား CF auto root แ€”ဲแ‚• Root ျแ€•ဳแ€œုแ€•္ျแ€•ီးေแ€žာ္แ€œแ€Š္း super su update แ€™ျแ€–แ€…္ေแ€žာေแพแ€€ာแ€„့္ Root แ€œုိแ€กแ€•္แ€ဲ့ေแ€†ာ့แ€ဲแ€œ္แ€™်ား(แ€ฅแ€•แ€™ာ font changer )แ€žုံးแ€ဲ့แ€กแ€ါแ€™ွာ Root แ€™ေแ€•ါแ€€္ေแ€žးေแพแ€€ာแ€„္း ျแ€•แ€แ€္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။แ€กဲแ€’ီแ€œုိျแ€–แ€…္แ€ဲ့แ€กแ€ါแ€™ွာ supersu แ€€ုိ update แ€œုแ€•္ေแ€•းแ€›แ€™ွာแ€•ါ..​ေแ€”ာแ€€္​แ€’ီ​ေแ€€ာแ€„္​แ€›ဲแ‚•แ€กแ€žုံးแ€แ€„္​แ€•ုံ​ေแ€”ာแ€€္​္​แ€แ€ုแ€€​ေแ€ာ့rootแ€œုแ€•္​แฟแ€•ီးแ€žား​ေแ€ြ​ root แ€€ုိျแ€•แ€”္​ျแ€–ဳแ€္​แ€်แ€„္​แ€›แ€„္​แ€œแ€Š္​း supersu Settingแ€‘ဲแ€™ွာ fully unroot แ€€ုိ ႏုိแ€•္​​ေแ€•းแ€›ုံแ€”ဲแ‚” root แ€€ုိျแ€–ဳแ€္​แ€”ိแ€„္​แ€•ါแ€แ€š္​  แ€กဲ​ေแ€œာแ€€္​แ€•ါแ€•ဲ แ€™แ€›ွိ​ေแ€žးแ€›แ€„္​​ေแ€ာ့ แ€’ီแ€™ွာแ€กแ€›แ€šူแ€•ါ....


***XnRetro Pro***

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***Dream League Soccer***

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Data file here----



Android Phone + Tablet ေแ€ြแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€˜ာแ€žာแ€…แ€€ားแ€™်ိဳးแ€…ုံแ€€ို แ€กျแ€•แ€”္แ€กแ€œွแ€”္
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Google Play Store แ€™ွာ แ€†ုိแ€›แ€„္ေแ€ာแ‚” updateแ€€ုိJune 18 แ€›แ€€္ေแ€”แ‚• แ€‘ြแ€€္​แ€œာแ€ဲ့ แ€™แ€›ွိ​ေแ€žးแ€›แ€„္​​ေแ€ာ့ แ€’ီแ€™ွာ​ေแ€’ါแ€„္​းแ€šူแ€•ါ----

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