แီေแာแ္ေแးแေแာ့ Android แုแ္းแုိแ္ေแแแ္ แแွိแျแแ ္ေแာแ္แားแแဲ့ ေแာ့แဲေแာแ္းေแး.1แုแါ แိแိแုแ္းแဲแ application ေแြแုိแกแြแ္แแူ backup แုแ္แိแ္แฟแီး zip file แ်ားแုိแฟแီေแးแိแ္แฟแီးzipfile แုိแแ္းျแแ္แုแ္ေแာแ္ေแးแုံแแ แိแိแုแ္းแဲแွာ แါแာแဲ့ originel syatem software แ်ားแုိแါ backup แုแ္ေแာแ္ေแးแာแုိแ แกแုံးแုိแแ္ေแာ့แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแါแแ္แ်ာ<<==>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xro89nys3bteke/AndroZip%20Pro_4.7.apk
***AndroZip pro***
Fontline commendo แိแ္းแဲแွာ ddayแုိ game playေแแူแ်ားแกแြแ္ေแာ့ ေแြေแြแူးแူးแိแ္แแ္ေแးแ แာแแုိေแာแ္แူးแုိแแแ္แแ္ แုိแ္2 แ်ားแုိ (Hack) แฟแီးแားแုိေแာ့แกแพแဳိแ္ေแြแေแ แแ္แုိแแแ္แแ္ playแแ္แုိแแ္ေแာ့ filesize แေแာ့ 280mb ေแာแ္แါแဲ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแါแแ္แ်ာ<<==>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=Aub
***Muzhiwan Market***
Playstore แဲแ แกျแားေแာ store ေแြแွာ แွာแแေแာ Game ေแာ္ေแာ္แ်ားแ်ားแုိ game apkแဲแ แแြ data filesizeแါ แกแါแกแแူแိแ္แဲ့ market แกแแ္းေแးแုိแ android แုแ္းแွာ แแွိแျแแ ္ေแာแ္แားแแဲ့ market ေแာแ္းေแးแါ แါေแพแာแ့္แီแွာแกแแူแြားแုိแ္แါ <<<>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gn26ohpgtqmgdd/Muzhiwan%20Market.apk
***Modern Combat 4***
Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour ျแแ
္แါแแ္ แแ္แแာแแဲ แแแ္ แို Graphics แိုแ္း Animation แိုแ္း แ แแแ့္แို แြแ္ျแဴแာแိแ္း Ps3 แိแ္းေแြ แกแိုแ္းแြားแါแแ္။ แူးျแားแ်แ္ Multiplayer แแဲ့ แกแြแ္ แူแแ္แ်แ္းေแြ multi แ်ိแ္แฟแီး แ
္แိုแ္แိုแแแာแ แီแိแ္းแီแုแ္แြแ္แဲแแို แိแ္းแိုแ္แြားแ
แာแแိုေแกာแ္ แိแ
แฅแฟแီးแဲ့ แိแ္းแ်ဳိးแါ။แแ
္ေแာแ္แဲ แဲ แแ
ားแแ္แိုแဲ แာแ္แแ္းแြားแဲแ แแ
ားႏိုแ္แฟแီး แြဲ ေแာแ္แႈแแိွแဲ့ แာแ္แแ္းแြားျแแ
္ แพแแ္းแพแแ္းแแ္းแ แกျแแ
္แกแแ္แพแဳိแ္แူแ်ားแกแพแဳိแ္แူแ်ား แြဲေแာแ္แိแ္แဲ့ game แแုแါ hack แฟแီးแား
Fileแုိแ္แေแာ့ 1Gp ေแာแ္แါแဲ ေแာ့แแ္แုိแแ္ေแာ့ แီแွာแกแแူแြားแုိแ္แါ<<<>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?pek6q9l0betircp
MarineTraffic ship positions v3.1.3 [Original]
แီေแာแ္ေแးแေแာ့ ေแြแ်ဳိးแားแ်แ္း แေแာၤေแแ แแ္ေแแဲ့แူေแြแွိแแ္แกိแ္แေแแฟแီး Chaking แုแ္แแဲ့ ေแေแพแာแ္း GpRs 1แ်ဳိးแါ port แกေแာ္แ်ားแ်ားแုိ แพแแ့္แူแိแ္แါแแ္ แกแုံးแုိแแ္ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแါ<<>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=Ajb
Unofficail facebook แုိแုံးေแแူแ်ားแกแြแ္ update แกแแ ္แွแုံးแ်แ္แူแ်ားแกแြแ္ Version แုိ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแိแ္แါแแ္<<>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=fBb
***Mobile Odin pro***
pcแဲแnotebook แแွိแူแ်ားแေแာ့ แกแွแ္แแแ္แုိแกแ္แဲ့ mobile odin ေแာ့แဲေแးแါแဲแာေแာแ္းแแ္းแုိแแ္ေแာ့ แိแိแုแ္းแုိ firmware แกแြแ္แแူ แแ္ေแးแုိแแแဲ့ေแာแ္ေแးแါแဲ แกแုံးျแဳแแာแြแ္แူေแ แာแုိแ แီแွာ แกแแူแြားแုိแ္แါ<<==>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=5Rb
(R)(R) System app remover pro (R)(R)
แီေแာแ္ေแးแေแါ့ root แွိแဲ့ แုแ္းแဲแွာေแာแ္แားแแ့္แဲ့ app ေแးแါแဲ แိแိแုแ္းแဲแ Original แါแာแဲ့ แกแုံးแแแ္ software ေแြแုိแกแြแ္แแူ ျแแ္ေแးแိแ္แါแแ္ แกแုံးแုိแแ္แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแြားแုိแ္แါ<<==>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=1Hb
••• Zomebie Frontier 2 •••
Zombie แိแ္းแ်ားแိုแพแိဳแ္ႏွแ ္แแ္แူေแြแกแြแ္
New weapons system ေแြแါแแ္ျแီးแုแ္แြแ္แพแแ္แဲ့ (Unlimited Money) Zombie
Frontier 2 Survive v2.0 New Update แြแ္แွိแုိแแာျแแ္แฟแီ Android แုแ္းแกแုแ္ေแာ့แแါแแ္ play แ်แ္แแ္แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแြားแုိแ္แါ------
แီေแာแ္ေแးးแ User ေแာ္ေแာ္แ်ားแိေแေแာแ္แฟแီแုိแแแ္แါแแ္.. subway-surfres game ေแးแါแဲ แกแုေแာแ္แြแ္ Tokyo, Version แုိ Hack แฟแီးแားแုိေแာ့ แါแါ แกျแแ့္แုံးแฟแီးေแာ့แုံแါแဲ แါေแพแာแ့္แแ္แแြแ္แြားแေแกာแ္ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแိแ္แါแแ္----- >> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=S2F
iOS 8 แွာ Jailbreaker แแားေแြแို แกแုံးแแ္ေแ ေแာ့แွာแား
Well, we're here to reassure you that jailbreaking isn't going anywhere, and also to remind you that with every new feature that Apple introduces in iOS, there's a developer out there that can think of a million ways to do it better and/or add more features to it. And that's the reason that jailbreaking isn't going to go anywhere; even if you're saying that statement to yourself.
Like today, in the iOS 8 presentation, we saw the quick reply functionality and it pretty much reminded us of auki. While this tweak is a great reason to jailbreak your device, just because iOS 8 is coming with a similar feature does not mean that jailbreak developers aren't going to come up with better ways to spice it up in iOS 8.
In addition, many of the other new features coming in iOS 8 like recent contacts in the App Switcher, doodling over e-mails before you send them, remotely enabling personal hotspots, widgets in Notification Center, the improved notifications on the Lock Screen, and more can all be improved in many different ways.
It's always our jailbreak community that comes up with ways to improve on iOS, and without a doubt, it's our jailbreak community that inspires a lot of new features in upcoming versions of iOS, so it's fair to say that without the jailbreak community, iOS 8 wouldn't even be as good as it looked on stage today.
So in short, just because you might be telling yourself today that iOS 8 is so nice that you'll never jailbreak again, we're sure we'll probably see you again when an iOS 8 jailbreak is released in the far future!
Dead on Arrival 2
แီ Game ေแးแေแာ့ Zombile game แแ်ဳိးแါ แแဲแုแ္းแီးแူแ်ားแกแြแ္ แီแိแ္းေแးแဲแ แိแ္แแ္ေแးแုိแ္แါแแ္ แိแ္แแ္แေแ်ာแ္แ်ားแြแ္แာแ်ားแဲแแแဲေแြแဲแแူေแแုိေแ แုိแ္แแွာแုိေแာ့ ေแာ့แแာ แီแแ္แာแွာ แกแွแ္แါแဲ แแ္แแ္ေแာแ္းแ်ားแဲแ แုိแ္2 แ်ားแုိ Hack แฟแီးแားแုိแေแာ့ แแဲေแြแုိ แกแพแဳိแ္ေแာ္แေแာ္แီးแိแ္แါแแ္ File size แေแာ့ 116Mb ေแာแ္แါแဲ--ေแာ့แ်แ္แแ္แုိแแ္ေแာ့ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแြားแုိแ္แါ----- https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=g8F
Nova Launcher
android แွာ Launcher แုံးေแแူแ်ားแုိ แီ Nova Launcher ေแးแဲแ แိแ္แแ္ေแးแုိแ္แแ္ effect ေแြแ ေแာ္2ေแး
แแ္းแแ္แ် Tsf shell แဲแ แแ္แား,แါးแားแဲ ေျแာျแแแ္ေแာ့ ေแေแพแာแွแ္แแ္ down load แုแ္แီးแာ แ
แီแွာေแါแ္းแုိแ္แါแแ္แ်ာ<<<>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/0brszcu90dhq5xz/Nova_Launcher_Prime_v2_3_Final.apk
Fast reboot pro
User ေแာ္2 แ်ားแဲแ แုแ္းแုိแ္းแွာ (ph) แုိ แแแ္းေแกာแ္แုိုိแ clean master ••• antivirs AVG แိုแ TASK manger แုိแ แกแုံးแ်ားแာေแြแေแแแแ္ 1แแ္ေแာ့ แแုိแါแူးး RAM แ
ားแာแแြဲแီး แူးแแာแါแူးး reboot apk ေแာแ္း2 แွိแแ္แแီ แါေแพแာแ့္ fast reboot แုိ แ
แ်แ္แါ แแ္ auto reboot ေแးแားแိแ္แီးး phแဲแscreen widget แွာ shortcut แแ္แီးแแ္း reboot แုแ္ေแးแိแ္แါแแ္ แုံးแ်แ္แแ္ေแာ့ แီแွာแူแြားแိုแ္แါ<<>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6mt7dyvmgnwlvn/Fast%20Reboot%20Pro.apk
Notification bubbles
Androidแုแ္းေแာแ္ေแแူแ်ားแกแြแ္แါ.Notification bubbles แီေแာแ္ေแးแေแာ.့ ..gmail,call,viber,wechat,facebook แဲแแกျแားေแာ ..massage ေแြแแ္แာแแ္ แူေแာแ္းေแးေแြแแ္แာแฟแီးแกแ်แ္ေแးแါแแ္แူေแါแ္းေแးေแြแုိแแ္းแုိแพแဳိแ္แာ themes ျแแ္แိแ္แါแแ္ แกဲေแာแ္แါแဲแพแဳိแ္แแ္ေแာ့ แီแွာေแါแ္းแူแုိแ္แါ<<>> https://my.pcloud.com/#page=publink&code=WoJ
Galaxy note 2 gt-n7100-- 4.4.2 Firmware
Mail Apk
แဲแီေแာแ္ေแး แေแါ့ Gmail ေแါแ္း 85 แ်ဳိးေแာแ္แုိsingin singup แုแ္แแဲ့ေแာแ္ေแးแါ Gmail email แုိ แုိแ္2แိแ္2 แกแုံး แ်แแ္แဲ့ แုိแုိ แแ แ်ား แกแုံး แแ့္ แွာ แแိแ္းေแแါแဲ แီแွာแกแแူแါ <<==>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ny7igmilh9wl2j7/Mail.apk
Playstore v 4.8.20
Google แေแ update แ်ေแးแဲ့ေแာแ္ေแးแါ update version แွ แုံးแ်แ္แူแ်ားแกแြแ္ แီแွာแกแแူแြားแုိแ္แါ <<==>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/bl2wq95018toi4k/Google%20Play%20Store_4.8.20.itgar.apk