Android แုแ္းแဲแ Tapblet แိုแ္းေแာแ္แဲ့แူแ်ားแกแြแ္แกแြแ့္แกแแ္းแแ
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แုแ္း, Tapblet ေแြแဲแspeed " ေแြแုိ ျแแ္แแ္ႏိုแ္ေแกာแ္แုแ္ေแာแ္းေแးႏိုแ္แဲ့ apk แ်ဳိး ျแแ
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The Cleaner Speed Up & Clean Apk - is a wonderful app for Android users. Is your Android device running so slow? Is your mobile device's memory space clogged up with old files and unused space gathering dust?
The Cleaner, a wonderful app designed to help you clear up redundant or malicious apps and files, free up storage space, clean up your RAM and speed up your Android device.
Key Features:-
Free up memory and boost your phone's speed by letting you kill redundant background tasks
Clear out storage by enabling you to delete junk files sch as cache files and downloaded APK Files
Find and uninstall malicious apps that have unnecessary permissions
Help you dispose of old, irrelevant sent and received phone call records cluttering up your phone
Get rid of long inconvenient lists of sent and received SMS records
Call me to quickly boost your phone's performance from the home screen with simple widgets
Customize my looks with your favorite theme!!!
Download >>>> <<<<