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Authenticator security แ€กေျแ€€ာแ€„္း

google แ€€ုแ€™แธแ€ီ แ€กแ€แ€™ဲ့ေแ€•းแ€‘ားแ€ဲ့ gmail แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„့္แ€€ိုแ€•ိုแ€™ို แ€œုံျแ€ဳံေแ€›းแ€›ွိေแ€…แ€›แ€”္แ€กแ€ြแ€€္Authenticator ေแ€†ာ့แ€ဲแ€€ แ€žแ€„့္แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„့္แ€€ိုแ€œုံျแ€ဳံေแ€›းแ€‘แ€•္แ€ိုးေแ€•းแ€œိုแ€€္ျแ€•แ€”္แ€•ါျแ€•ီ
แ€žแ€„့္แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€€ android แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€žိုแ‚•แ€™แ€Ÿုแ€္ apple ျแ€–แ€…္แ€ဲ့แ€›แ€„္
แ€–ုแ€”္း แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€žแ€€္แ€†ိုแ€„္แ€›ာ market แ€™ွာ mobile ....
"Authenticator" ေแ€†ာ့แ€ဲแ€€ို install แ€œုแ€•္ျแ€•ီ แ€›แ€šူแ€”ိဳแ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္ ...
แ€žแ€„့္แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„့္แ€€ို 2 step แ€”ဲแ‚• แ€€ာแ€€ြแ€š္แ€”ိုแ€„္แ€•ါေแ€žးแ€แ€š္....
แ€กแ€€แ€š္၍ 2 step แ€€ိုแ€™ျแ€€ိုแ€€္ႏွแ€…္แ€žแ€€္แ€ဲ့แ€›แ€„္ေแ€ာ့
Authenticator แ€€ိုแ€žုံႏိုแ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္ ...
2 step แ€€ို แ€–ြแ€„့္แ€‘ားแ€ဲ့แ€™แ€š္แ€†ိုแ€›แ€„္...แ€žแ€„့္google แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„့္แ€€ို sign in แ€แ€„္แ€ဲ့แ€กแ€ါแ€ိုแ€„္းแ€™ွာ
password แ€›ိုแ€€္แ€œိုแ‚•แ€™ွแ€”္แ€›แ€„္ေแ€”ာแ€€္แ€แ€†แ€„့္ verify code แ€œိုแ€•ါေแ€žးแ€แ€š္
แ€กแ€’ီ verify code แ€€ google แ€€ေแ€”ျแ€•ီေแ€ာ့แ€žแ€„့္แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€†ီแ€€ို แ€•ိုแ‚•ေแ€•းแ€™ွแ€žာแ€œွ်แ€„္ แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„့္แ€€ိုแ€–ြแ€„့္แ€”ိဳแ€„္แ€™ွာแ€•ါ...
Authenticator แ€›ဲแ‚•แ€žေแ€˜ာแ€แ€›ားแ€€ ေแ€ာ့ google แ€†ီแ€€ေแ€”แ€™ေแ€ာแ€„္းแ€•ဲ แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€‘ဲแ€€ေแ€”
แ€€ုแ€’္แ€”ံแ€•ါแ€္ျแ€€แ€Š့္แ€ဲ့แ€”แ€Š္းแ€•ါแ€•ဲ ေแ€กာแ€€္แ€€แ€•ုံแ€€ိုျแ€€แ€Š့္ျแ€€แ€Š့္แ€•ါ

2 step แ€€ို แ€–ြแ€„္แ‚•แ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္ แ€’ီแ€œแ€„္แ‚•แ€กแ€ိုแ€„္းแ€žြားแ€•ါ.. แ€•ုံแ€™ွာျแ€•แ€‘ားแ€ဲแ‚•แ€กแ€ိုแ€„္း.. get started แ€€ို ႏွိแ€•္แ€•ါ


แ€€်แ€”္แ€ာေแ€ာแ‚• แ€†แ€€္แ€œုแ€•္แ€แ€္แ€™แ€š္แ€‘แ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္..

thank you 



Thor: The Dark World (2013) 720p BrRip x264 - YIFY

ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€›แ€”္ hash:420FFA5CB90241D398A75FA6AB314B4D7B7E1EAC

ျแ€™แ€”္แ€™ာแ€…ာแ€แ€™္းแ€‘ိုး... ျแ€€แ€Š္แ‚•แ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္แ€’ီแ€™ွာ.. ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€•ါ... 

When Jane Foster is possessed by a great power, Thor must protect her from a new threat of old times: the Dark Elves.

Thousands of years ago, a race of beings known as Dark Elves tried to send the universe into darkness by using a weapon known as the Aether. Warriors from Asgard stop them but their leader Malekith escapes to wait for another opportunity. The warriors find the Aether and since it cannot be destroyed, they try to hide it. In the present day, Jane Foster awaits the return of Thor although it has been two years since they last saw once another. In the meantime, Thor has been trying to bring peace to the nine realms. Jane discovers an anomaly similar to the one that brought Thor to Earth. She goes to investigate, finds a wormhole, and is sucked into it. Back on Asgard, Thor wishes to return to Earth but his father, Odin refuses to let him. Thor learns from Heimdall, who can see into all of the realms, that Jane disappeared. Thor then returns to Earth just as Jane reappears. However, when some policemen try to arrest her, an unknown energy repulses them. Thor then brings Jane to Asgard to ...


Lucky Patcher v4.0.9 Apk

Lucky Patcher v4.0.9 Apk แ€กေျแ€€ာแ€„္းแ€€ိုေแ€ာแ‚•แ€žိแ€•္แ€™แ€›ွแ€„္းျแ€•ေแ€ာแ‚•แ€•ါแ€˜ူး.. แ€…แ€€္แ€›ုแ€•္แ€žแ€™ားေแ€ာ္ေแ€ာ္แ€™်ားแ€™်ားแ€žိျแ€€แ€™ွာแ€•ါ.. black market แ€™ွာ ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€›แ€ာ แ€กแ€†แ€„္แ€™ေျแ€•แ€›แ€„္ေแ€ာแ‚•แ€’ီแ€™ွာแ€•ဲแ€šူแ€žြားแ€•ါ


YouTube Video download

YouTube Video download แ€œုแ€•္แ€်แ€„္แ€žူေแ€ြแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€–ိုแ€„္แ€†ိုแ€’္(13MB)แ€•ဲแ€›ွိแ€•ါแ€แ€š္..

internet downloadmanager แ€™ွာแ€žုံးแ€œိုแ‚•แ€™แ€›แ€ဲแ‚•แ€กแ€ါแ€™်ိဳးแ€™ွာแ€’ီေแ€€ာแ€„္ေแ€œးแ€€ แ€กေแ€ာ္แ€€ို แ€กแ€†แ€„္ေျแ€•แ€•ါแ€แ€š္..

Main Features of YouTube Video Grabber:
Well known online video services support
This software can download and convert online videos from all well known online services like YouTube, Google Video, MySpace, iFilm, Break, PutFile.
Offline video conversion
You can also convert previously downloaded video files to any format supported by YouTube Video Grabber.
Multiple output video formats support
Supports conversion to wide range of video formats, such as AVI, 3GP, 3GPP, WMV, DivX, Xvid, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3, MPEG-4.
Audio track extraction
You can save audio track of any video file or online video to audio file. MP3, WMA, M4A, AAC, RA audio formats of output file are supported.
General internet page embedded video download
Software can search for supported online video on any internet page you provide, download and convert them to desired video format.
Extension plug-in modules support
Video tracking is implemented as set of plug-in modules with online updates. You can also request for new plug-in if you found an internet page with video not supported by YouTube Video Grabber.
Full drag and drop support
You can drag files already saved on your computer from Windows Explorer or any other program and drop them to YouTube Video Grabber, drag'n'drop of URLs from your internet browser is also supported.
Windows Clipboard support
You can Copy and Paste URLs with online video from Windows Clipboard, auto track for URLs to online video sites as well.
Batch download and conversion
Batch processing implemented to speed up mass download and conversion of video files.
YouTube auto-login
For those people who have accounts on YouTube this software offers auto-login to save files which require to be logged in to access them.
Eligible Price
You can get it all with life-time technical support and all future updates for only $14.95 US Dollars


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Android แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€™်ားแ€ြแ€„္ Online/Off line แพแ€€แ€Š့္แ€”ိဳแ€„္แ€›แ€”္ แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€€แฝြแ€”္ေแ€ာ္ျแ€•ဳแ€œုแ€•္แ€‘ားแ€ဲแ‚•APK แ€–ိုแ€„္ေแ€œးแ€•ါ

แ€œိုแ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္ေแ€ာแ‚•ေแ€’ါแ€„္းแ€žြားแ€•ါ.. :D


Blogger แ€™်ားแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ Link แ€แ€…္แ€ု แ€แ€…္แ€်แ€€္ႏွိแ€•္แ€›ံုแ€”ဲแ‚• Link ေแ€ြแ€กแ€™်ားแพแ€€ီးแ€ြဲแ€‘ြแ€€္ေแ€กာแ€„္ျแ€•ဳแ€œုแ€•္แ€”แ€Š္း။

แ€€แฝြแ€”္ေแ€ာ္ Blog แ€”ဲแ‚•แ€žแ€€္แ€†ိုแ€„္แ€ဲแ‚• Post ေแ€ြ HTML Code ေแ€ြแ€€ို แ€™ေแ€›းေแ€•းျแ€–แ€…္แ€ာေแ€ာ္ေแ€ာ္ေแ€œးแพแ€€ာေแ€” แ€•ါျแ€•ီ။ ျแ€•แ€Š့္ျแ€–ိဳး แ€แ€…္ေแ€šာแ€€္แ€…ာေแ€›းแ€›แ€™ွာแ€•်แ€„္းแ€œိုแ‚• แ€™ေแ€›းျแ€–แ€…္แ€ာแ€•ါ။ แ€Ÿဲแ€Ÿဲ.... แ€กแ€ုแ€แ€„္ေแ€•းแ€™แ€š့္ Code แ€€ေแ€ာ့ Blogger แ€™်ား แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ေแ€ာ့ แ€กေแ€ာ္ေแ€œး แ€กแ€žံုးแ€แ€Š့္แ€™ွာแ€•ါ။ แ€˜ာแ€œိုแ‚•แ€œแ€Š္းแ€†ိုေแ€ာ့ Download Link ေแ€ြแ€€ို แ€ြဲแ€ြဲแ€แ€„္แพแ€€ แ€ဲแ‚• Blogger ေแ€ြแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ေแ€ာ့ แ€แ€…္แ€်แ€€္ႏွိแ€•္แ€œိုแ€€္แ€ာแ€ဲแ‚• แ€ြဲแ€แ€„္แ€‘ားแ€ဲแ‚• Link ေแ€ြแ€กားแ€œံုး แ€ျแ€•ိဳแ€„္แ€”แ€€္ แ€แ€Š္းแ€€်แ€œာแ€™ွာแ€•ါ။ แ€€แฝြแ€”္ေแ€ာ္ေแ€œေแ€ြေแ€•แ€›ွแ€Š္ေแ€”แ€ာแ€”ဲแ‚•แ€˜ဲ แ€œိုแ€›แ€„္းแ€™ေแ€›ာแ€€္ေแ€ာ့แ€˜ူး။ แ€€ဲแ€—်ာ ေแ€กာแ€€္แ€™ွာ HTML Code ေแ€œးแ€€ိုแพแ€€แ€Š့္แ€›ေแ€กာแ€„္แ€—်ာ။

<a href="แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္
" target="_blank" onclick=";แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္/&quot;);;แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္/&quot;);แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္/&quot;);;แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္/&quot;);">แ€œแ€„့္แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š္ေแ€œးแ€•ါ ...</a>

แ€กဲแ€’ါေแ€œးแ€˜ဲแ€—်ာ แ€˜ာแ€™ွแ€™แ€ဲแ€šแ€ฅ္းแ€•ါแ€˜ူးแ€œြแ€š္แ€œြแ€š္ေแ€œးแ€•ါ။ แ€กแ€ုေแ€œာေแ€œာแ€†แ€š္แ€™ွာေแ€ာ့ แ€€แฝြแ€”္ေแ€ာ္แ€€แ€”แ€™ူแ€”ာ แ€กေแ€”แ€”ဲแ‚• Link 5 แ€ု แ€‘แ€Š့္ျแ€•แ€‘ားแ€•ါแ€แ€š္แ€—်ာ။ แ€‘แ€•္แ€ိုးแ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္แ€˜ဲျแ€–แ€…္ျแ€–แ€…္ ေแ€œွ်ာ့แ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္แ€˜ဲျแ€–แ€…္ျแ€–แ€…္;แ€œแ€„့္แ€‘แ€Š့္แ€›แ€”္/&quot;) แ€กแ€ု Link ေแ€œးแ€”ဲแ‚•แ€˜ဲ แ€กแ€ိုးแ€กေแ€œွ်ာ့แ€œုแ€•္แ€žြားႏိုแ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္แ€—်ာ။



Remove deafult sharing buttons from blogger blog

Hello Readers, In this post i will tell you how to remove default sharing buttons in blogger blog. Unziptech has shared many useful articles for Blogging and SEO optimization tips and this post focuses on the same category. There are many people who opt for custom blogger templates and they have got built in sharing buttons. In that case people prefer to remove the default sharing buttons to minimize the page load time and the external links on your Blog. This post will feature a short tutorial to remove the default sharing buttons which includes Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Gmail etc from your blogger blog.

In this post I will tell you 2 methods that will help you doing this task. You can remove these buttons by editing the blogger template or by editing the settings from the layout menu. I will tell you both the methods and you can choose the one, you think would be easy for you. Now, Let us see how to remove the default sharing buttons in blogger blog:

Method 1:
In this method we will remove these buttons by editing the settings from the layout menu. For this you need to follow these steps:
First of all, Login in to your Blogger account.
Navigate to the Layout menu, it will show the current layout of your blog.
Click on the "Edit" menu which is displaying under the Post Layout.
It will pop-up a window like this:

Now scroll down and find the checkbox, I highlighted in the above screen shot by red color.
Uncheck the Checkbox in front of the sharing buttons.
Save the arrangement and you are done.
Click on View Blog and check it yourself.
Method 2:
The above method will do the trick for you. In case it does not work or you want to do it by editing the template, you can follow these steps:

First of all, Login into your Blogger account.
Navigate to the Template menu.
It is recommended to take backup of your blogger blog to avoid any loss, because we are going to edit it.
After taking the backup, click on Edit HTML from the template menu.
Now find the following line of code:
<b:include data='post' name='shareButtons'/>
Make it a HTML comment by enclosing it in the comment tag like this:
<!--<b:include data='post' name='shareButtons'/>-->
You may also remove this code from your template, but remember this change will be permanent.
Click on Save Template and check your blog.

You just removed the default sharing buttons from your blogger blog. The above mentioned methods are tested by me on a few standard and custom blogger templates. In case you face any problem you can comment here, I will be glad to help you.

credit to>>>>


Upload the JavaScript (JS Files) to Google Code

Upload the JavaScript (JS Files) to Google Code is one of the best site that help bloggers to host their JS (Javascripts) files for free. This article explains about how to upload the JS files and using it to your blogger templates.

1. Sign in to your google account. I recommend with your account. If you don't have one, please create it first.
2. Find in your search engine
3. choose the googlecode's project hosting link

4. Create A New Project by click the new project link

5. Fill all the form such as: project name, licences, labels and etc. And, Please choose any license. (Sorry, I don't give any specific information about every single license for you. If you want to know it, please find it in search engine by yourself). The form is just like the screen shot below :

6. After you push the "Creating Project" button, you will be directed to the list page. Then click the Download Tabs. Please see the screen shot below.

7. After click it. You will see the page below. Then, please click the button "New Download".

Even though it said new download, actually, that link is for upload the JS files. So, after you click it, then you can upload your JS files into the

8. Fill the form such as summary, and label, and then Click Browse. Upload all your files. Please see below

9. After uploading, you will be given links. Put on your mouse pointer on the link. then copy its link location. Please see the screen shot below.

10. Great, you get the link location. How to use it ...?
Below is the HTML structure. Just change the red which say YOUR GOOGLE LINK LOCATION with your own link.

<script src='YOUR-GOOGLECODE-LINK-LOCATION' type='text/javascript'></script>


<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

After that, Now you have to put it in the template.

In your template, please find :


paste the code below ]]></b:skin> .

11. OK. You're done.

If you like my article, please feel free to subscribe to my feedburner email feeds. Thanks.


ျแ€™แ€”္แ€™ာ ျแ€•แ€€แกแ€’ိแ€”္


MR. BEAN widget

Copy the widget code and paste it on your blog or web page (in HTML View). For installation guide, click here.. if you grab this widget, please click like button and share it with your friends on facebook..thanks ;)

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แ€™ူแ€—ီေแ€ြแ€™ွာ ျแ€™แ€”္แ€™ာแ€œိုแ€…ာแ€แ€™္းแ€‘แ€Š္แ‚•ျแ€•ီးျแ€€แ€Š္แ‚•ျแ€€แ€›ေแ€กာแ€„္...

แ€™ူแ€—ီแ€်แ€…္แ€žူေแ€ြ แ€†แ€›ာ.ေแ€ြ..แ€™ူแ€—ီေแ€ြแ€€ိုျแ€€แ€Š္แ‚•แ€›แ€„္..ျแ€™แ€”္แ€™ာแ€œိုแ€…ာแ€แ€™္းေแ€œးแ€‘ိုးျแ€•ီးေแ€ာแ‚•ျแ€€แ€Š္แ‚•

ျแ€€แ€Š္แ‚•แ€်แ€„္ျแ€€แ€™ွာေแ€•ါแ‚•.. แ€€แฝြแ€”္ေแ€ာ္แ€œแ€Š္းแ€กแ€•ါแ€แ€„္ေแ€•ါแ‚•....

แ€กแ€်ိแ€”္ေแ€•းေแ€•းျแ€•ီးေแ€ာแ‚•..แ€˜ာแ€žာျแ€•แ€”္ေแ€•းแ€‘ားแ€ဲแ‚•.. แ€€ို  "แ€žူแ€› " แ€€ိုแ€’ီေแ€”แ€›ာแ€€ေแ€”แ€•ဲ ..

creadit ေแ€•းแ€•ါแ€แ€š္...

original link....

Myanmar Subtitle ေแ€ြแ€€ုိ Gom Player แ€”ဲ ့แพแ€€แ€Š့္แ€›แ€„္แ€กแ€†แ€„္ေျแ€•แ€•ါแ€แ€š္ .. "winnwa" Font แ€›ွိแ€‘ားแ€–ုိ့ေแ€ာ့แ€œုိแ€•ါแ€แ€š္ .. Gom Player แ€›ဲ့ Perferences แ€‘ဲแ€€ Subtitle แ€™ွာ Subtitle Font แ€€ုိ "winnwa" Font ေျแ€•ာแ€„္းေแ€•းแ€œုိแ€€္แ€•ါ .. .. แ€•ုံแ€™ျแ€™แ€„္แ€›แ€›แ€„္ Full Screen แพแ€€แ€Š့္ေแ€•းแ€•ါ .. (แ€กแ€ါေแ€›ာแ€„္ေแ€”ာแ€€္แ€ံแ€•ံု)

Myanmar Subtitle ေแ€ြแ€€ုိ VLC Player แ€”ဲ ့แพแ€€แ€Š့္แ€›แ€„္แ€œแ€Š္းแ€กแ€†แ€„္ေျแ€•แ€•ါแ€แ€š္ .. "winnwa" Font แ€›ွိแ€‘ားแ€–ုိ့ေแ€ာ့แ€œုိแ€•ါแ€แ€š္ .. VLC แ€›ဲ့ Tool > Perferences แ€‘ဲแ€€ Subtitles & OSD แ€™ွာ Subtitle Font แ€€ုိ "winnwa" Font ေျแ€•ာแ€„္းေแ€•းแ€œုိแ€€္แ€•ါ ..แ€กားแ€œုံးแ€กแ€†แ€„္ေျแ€•แ€•ါေแ€…แ€—်ာ .. แ€•ုံแ€™ျแ€™แ€„္แ€›แ€›แ€„္ Full Screen แพแ€€แ€Š့္ေแ€•းแ€•ါ ..

แ€€ားေแ€Ÿာแ€„္းေแ€ြแ€œိုแ€်แ€„္แ€ဲ့แ€žူေแ€ြแ€กေแ€”แ€”ဲแ‚” แ€™ွာ แ€แ€„္ေแ€›ာแ€€္แ€›ွာေแ€–ြแ€šူแ€”ိုแ€„္แพแ€€แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။

แ€…ာแ€–ိုแ€„္แ€žแ€…္ แ€แ€€္แ€ိုแ€„္းแ€žိแ€်แ€„္แ€›แ€„္ေแ€ာ့ แ€•ိုแ€…္แ€€ို

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Internet Download Manager 6.19

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Activate Hacktivate Iphone Screen Apple ID Iphone 4 IOS 7.0.4

Apple IOS  แ€†แ€›ာแ€žแ€™ားေแ€ြ.. ios 7.04 update แ€œုแ€•္ျแ€•ီးေแ€ာแ‚• 

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Internet Cyclone 2.19 แ€กแ€žแ€…္

แ€ုแ€ေแ€œာ ေแ€ာ္ေแ€ာ္ေแ€œးแ€€ို แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š္ျแ€€ီးေแ€”แ€ဲแ‚• แ€กေแ€€ာแ€„္ေแ€œးแ€•ါแ€•ဲ...

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แ€–ုိแ€„္แ€†ိုแ€’္แ€œแ€Š္း.. แ€™ျแ€€ီးแ€•ါแ€˜ူး.. 1 MB ေแ€œာแ€€္แ€•ဲแ€›ွိแ€•ါแ€แ€š္...

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