+ Keys for selecting tools in extract toolbar :
+ Keys for selecting tools in liquify toolbox :
+ Keys for working with extract,liquify and pattern maker :
+ Keys for using filter gallery :
+ Keys for using the refine edge dialog box :
+ Keys for using the black and white dialog box
+ Keys for using camera raw dialog box :
+ Context menu :
+ Keys for using the curves dialog box :
+ Keys for using vanishing point :
+ Keys for working with blending modes :
+ Keys for viewing images :
+ Keys for selecting and moving objects :
+ Keys for editing paths :
+ Keys for painting objects :
+ Keys for transforming selections,selection borders and paths :
+ Keys for selecting,editing and navigating through text :
+ Keys for formatting types :
+ Keys for slicing and optimizing :
+ Keys for using panels :
+ Keys for action panels :
+ Keys for using the adjustment panels :
+ Keys for using the animation panel :
+ Keys for using animation panel in Timeline mode :
+ Keys for using the clone source :
+ Keys for using the brushes panel :
+ Keys for using the channels panel :
+ Keys for using the color panel :
+ Keys for using the history panel :
+ Keys for using the info panels :
+ Keys for using layer comps panel :
+ Keys for using the layers panel :
+ Keys for using the paths panel :
+ Keys for using the swatches panel :
+ Keys for using measurement :
+ Keys for using the 3D tools :
+ Keys for working with DICOM files :
+ Function keys :
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